5 Ways to Be the Best Intern in Your Office
Photo Credit: Pintrest
By: Janette Artea
With a new semester, comes new internship opportunities! If the Devil Wears Prada has taught you anything, it's that New York City is known for being home to some of the most opportune internships in the nation. You have everything from fashion houses, to record labels, to the finance mecca also known as Wall Street.
You’ve done your research, aced your interview, and now carry the beloved intern title. Before you plan your ‘first day outfit,' there are a few key things to remember as you settle into your routine for the next few months. Being an intern is a rite of passage for the career-savvy and it’s important that you do it well.
1. Be on time!
This should seem like a no brainer, but you’d be surprised how many interns end up scrambling to get to the office because the line at coffee shop was moving at a glacial pace. If you can’t factor in Starbucks time, skip it. Don’t walk in five minutes after your start time with a coffee and bagel in hand, your boss will definitely notice and take note. Learn the office vibe, get a feel for schedules and the office food/coffee policy first.
2. Dress the part.
We’re not talking dress to impress here. Get a feel for what seems to be the norm in the office. Our advice? When you confirm your internship, don’t hesitate to ask about the dress code, if any. If you have any lingering questions about what to don on the first day, don’t be afraid to partake in some Insta-research ahead of time. Hashtags and geotags are your best friend. See what employees and past/present interns have worn. You want to keep it professional but also “stay on brand”
3. Flexibility is key.
You might be asked to run a coat to Anna Wintour’s stylist or sit at your desk hours after closing time to ensure the messenger picked up the trunks for the ad shoot. Not every task you’re assigned will be glamorous, but it’s imperative that you treat each assignment as if you were just asked to sit in on a board meeting. Show your diligence to get the job done regardless of how much you may dislike a task assigned. Supervisors will be watching. They may even throw a curveball assignment to test how you react, so it's best to stay ready. The not-so-fun tasks are paving the way for the assignments you’ll be talking about years later.
4. Finesse your social media strategy.
Don’t just assume you can post your workday on Snapchat. Asking about their social media policy on day 1 will keep you out of trouble. Is there a “don't post” policy? Or perhaps you can, but you need to include a hashtag denoting it’s a work post? In some cases companies will ask you to not post about certain content on social media because at the end of the day, your image reflects on the brand. Whatever the case is, make sure you know the rules backward and forward. Don’t lose the internship of a lifetime over something you could’ve prevented. One last thing – refrain from Twitter fingers. Do not, under any circumstances, vent or complain about your internship. This includes the office, coworkers, supervisors, the brand you work for, or anything pertaining to your internship really. If you must vent, do it on the phone with your mom from the comfort of your own room.
5. Write. It. Down.
Take notes. From your very first day on the job to the final touch base with your supervisor, it’s super important that you write everything down. Don’t assume you’ll remember exactly how your boss taught you to format a deck on the first day for a presentation three weeks later. By having a pen and notebook at your side each day, your boss will notice your dedication to being thorough. Looking back at your notes is also helpful when tackling your assignments. Rather than asking your boss a myriad of questions, you can always reference your notes to resolve any questions you may have along the way. Your boss will appreciate how self-sufficient you are.
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