3 Ways to Maintain the Perfect School-Life Balance
Photo Credit: rongrongdevoe.com
By: Janette Artea
A key component to surviving college is balance. After all, it isn’t long before you find yourself trekking to class, killing it at the internship of your dreams, and socializing, or as we like to call it - networking. In order to survive it all, aside from establishing your professional persona, it’s important to step back and develop the habits that will benefit you in the long run. Don’t be the intern who can’t handle her workload and messes up in a big way or the student that fails to prioritize her classes and bombs a test or two. Below, three ways to achieve, and maintain, the perfect school-life balance all while being the star intern and acing your history exam!
1. Procrastination is the enemy.
When your to-do list is three miles long, it’s easy to say, “I’ll do this later.” Don’t. It’s a vicious cycle. The second you start procrastinating, your list of things to get done just gets bigger and bigger. Motivation will go out the window, and before you know it, you won’t even know where to begin. Aim to get ahead of your work. Your stress levels will remain at an all time low and future you will be forever grateful. Remember that the sooner you get your work done, the more time you have to hang out with friends or stay in and binge watch Netflix. The choice is yours.
2. Master your schedule.
Events. Meetings. Study groups. Happy Hours. There are so many items that will land on your calendar. Take the time to add your class schedule, important assignment due dates and special events you definitely want to make time for. Keeping your calendar up to date will not only keep you organized and on top of deadlines. You’ll be especially glad you relied on the good ole calendar app when your social calendar begins filling up.
3. Self care is the best care.
In a world that encourages jam packed schedules, it’s important to make time time for yourself. Whether it’s a massage and mani at Chill House, a trip to one of New York’s many art galleries or a solo walk in the park - it’s super important for your well-being to take a step back from work and school obligations and focus on you. Doing so not only keeps stress at bay, but will also allow you to come back refreshed and ready to tackle a new to do list.
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