8 Things To Do If You’re Single This Valentine’s Day

Photo Credit: Retail Me Not

Photo Credit: Retail Me Not

By: Becca Glasser-Baker

So it's Valentine's Day...and you're single. We know what you're thinking - anywhere you go you'll be one of the few without an attachment. But before you let the dread set in, remember this: Valentine's Day is the day of love. And there is no better day to love yourself!! Besides, you never know - you might even find someone who is down a plus 1 as well! *wink*

Check out our guide to 8 things to do if you're single this Valentine's Day.   

1.     Binge something on Netflix

Binging Netflix is something I do regularly (#noregrets), but it’s especially fun to finish an entire series in one night or finally start that one series your friends have been gushing about. Plus, Netflix has killer movies, too. If you really want to have the perfect binge, we suggest ordering your favorite take out meal and completely chill out. 

2.     Have an Anti-Valentine’s Day Party

You’re probably not the only single one in your group of friends this Valentine’s Day, so why not invite your single friends over for a total anti-valentine's day soirée! Drink wine, gossip, and totally jam out to a Taylor Swift playlist!

3.     Pamper yourself

Remember, love thyself! Put on a face mask, grab your fave magazine, light some candles and take a nice hot bath. Make it even more relaxing by using a bath bomb - or twenty - or pouring in some bubbles. 

4.     Read a book

This sounds a bit cliché and boring, but for book nerds like us, there’s nothing better than curling up with a good book. Put on your PJ’s, make a cup of tea, and enjoy reading something new.  

5.     Take a super intense gym class (if you want to totally shut out the holiday)

Since you’ll be sweating it out, you won’t have time to even think about being single. So get on that SoulCycle class and who knows? Maybe the cutie next to you will want to go for smoothies afterwards. 

6.     Treat yourself to a home cooked meal

How often do you really get to cook for yourself? We're guessing that's a never. So why not try out that Pinterest recipe that you’ve been dying to make! If you’re not into cooking, have ice cream for dinner! Girl, you only live once - enjoy it!

7.     See a movie 

Yes, by yourself. It may feel a bit weird seeing a movie alone but you won't care after the lights go down and you're chowing on your extra large - extra butter - popcorn. 

8.     Grab a cocktail and mingle

What do most single people do who are trying to mingle? Yep, go to a bar. We're not talking about a dive bar, though. Put on your Sunday's best and head to a classy watering hole for a nice cocktail and (hopefully) even better conversation. **Friends optional.


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