What You Should Know Before Asking For a Promotion

Photo Credit: honestlywtf.com

Photo Credit: honestlywtf.com

By: Jamie Hergenrader

This story originally appeared on Ed2010.com.

You’ve been at your job for a while, you feel confident in your work, and you’re ready to take things to the next level. But when it comes to being promoted, there’s a lot more that managers have to consider than just whether you deserve it or not.

So before you dive into asking for more responsibility, a pay bump, and a snazzy new title, you should know what your manager will be thinking. That’s where we come in. We asked Kiera Carter, executive digital editor of Shape and Fitness, to give us some insight into the more complicated issues that come up when you ask for a promotion and what junior editors should keep in mind when going for it. 

Here’s what your manager will be thinking when you ask for a promotion:

Are you qualified?

This might seem like an obvious point to consider, but in order to justify why you deserve more money and higher status at the company, you’d better come fully prepared. Be ready to present examples of how you’ve excelled at your current role and any projects you’ve taken on that show you’re ready for the next level. Also, be sure to ask how you can improve to fit the role you’re seeking to fill. Proving that you’ve already gone above and beyond and that you’re looking to grow further will show your boss that promoting you will be a smooth transition.

Who will do your current work?

If you are promoted, someone else has to take on your responsibilities. That means your boss has to think about your role, they also need to shift around some work, either to existing employees, freelancers, or hiring a replacement for you. And that can take some time to figure out.

What’s a realistic timeline?

It’s not as simple as asking and receiving an answer. Even if your boss is 100 percent Team Promotion for you, they still have several channels to run it through. They’ll need to talk to their boss, human resources, and figure out budget and timing of the switch. If she says she will look into it, it’s okay to follow up, but don’t pester her every day. Wait a couple of weeks, and if you haven’t heard anything, then check in with her again.


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