Why I’m Ringing in the New Year with Diamonds
Photography by: Rebecca Glasser-Baker
By: Caroline Vazzana
In partnership with Real is Rare. Real is a Diamond.
As you all know, I love a little (or a lot) of sparkle. But there’s something so very special, unique and enchanting about the sparkle of a diamond. For me, diamonds represent hope, strength, courage, and, the dream that absolutely anything is possible. I’m in constant awe of the fact that diamonds were formed billions of years ago and are as old as the stars in the sky.
2017 marked a very big year in my career, full of many, many changes. I finally began to live the life I always dreamed of, but that required me leaving what most people would consider a “dream job” in order to pursue my dreams of becoming my own boss and working for myself. I left behind what was comfortable, my day-to-day 9-to-5, to walk into the unknown and to do something that really scared me.
This time, just one year ago, I was very unsure. Unsure if the opportunities I hoped for would come my way, and if my dreams would actually become a reality. I had a lot of doubts, wondering if the risk I was taking would be worth it. Although the past year was filled with many ups and downs and was definitely not easy, in the end I wouldn’t change a thing…I am living my dream life.
As such, this New Year’s Eve is a special celebration for me that calls for diamonds. It’s true that I always feel ultra-glamorous when wearing diamond jewelry, but I’ve always found them to be much more than accessories. I have an emotional connection to diamonds that is deeply personal and one-of-a-kind. I can’t remember the very first diamond I owned - maybe it was a gift from my parents - but, I do remember the very first diamond I bought for myself and without fail it always gives me strength, hope and ultimately pure joy every time I wear it.
As the new year approaches, I can’t wait to see what opportunities come my way. 2018 is My Diamond Moment!
Wearing diamond jewelry by Kwiat. Shop my pieces here at Kwiat.com.
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