How to Achieve Your Summer Ready Body in only 30 Days

Beach Body Challenge

By: Janette Artea

With summer fast approaching, now is the time to start planning those weekend beach getaways. Whether your local beach is on the agenda or a luxurious tropical vacation is more your speed, one thing’s for certain, bikini season is here! But, with that being said, it’s not too late to get your summer body ready for the beach. 

Below are a few tips to implement during the month of May that will turn dread into excitement when it comes to that cute two-piece waiting for its debut. So join in with the Making it in Manhattan fam to do this 30 Day Beach Body Challenge. (we soooo got this!) 

Set a Goal

Planning ahead leads to success. Know where you are at currently and where you hope to be in 30 days. Whether its toning up, slimming down or building up the endurance for a quick run, knowing what you want to achieve will help you tailor your approach and make the most out of your 30-day plan. 

Channel Your Inner Ina Garten

Build Sunday Fundays around meal prepping. Meal prepping helps cover your meals for the week and cuts down on grabbing unhealthy options, which is not only expensive over time, but also counterintuitive to reaching your goals. But, don’t limit yourself to just planning lunch and dinners! Plan out your breakfasts ahead of time too!

PRO TIP: Eat your biggest meals early in the day and plan lighter options for dinner to stay on track with your goals.  

Sweat Sessions in Full Effect

Britney said it best, “You want a hot body? You better work!” Sure, healthier eating habits will lead you down the yellow brick road of body transformations, but paired with the right workouts? The possibilities are endless! Whether you want to run a mile everyday, channel your inner yogi or alternate between the two, do it. Consistency is key here and there are so many ways to keep yourself accountable. Instagram is the perfect place for it. Upload posts and stories on your fit journey to your account with the right hashtag. Hashtags, like #30daystohealthyliving, #30daytransformation or #30daychallenge, has a super supportive community ready to cheer you on.  

Stick With It!

It’s not going to be easy. To get the results you want in 30 days, you’re going to have to be extremely dedicated and keep your eyes on the prize. Eliminate any unhealthy foods and drinks that aren’t going to lead you toward your goal (sorry, Cindo de Mayo). It can be easy to lose steam along the way, and when that happens, websites such as Pinterest and Tumblr, are excellent sources of inspiration.

So, who's with us???


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