Career Growth Questions You Should Regularly Ask Yourself

Picture Credit: PopSugar

Picture Credit: PopSugar

By: Daniela McVicker

Do you remember an interviewer asking you a question, “where do you see yourself five years from now?” What did you answer? That was the moment when you clearly declared your career goals and started your way to success. 

To reach your goals on time, you should keep growing as a professional day by day and month by month. We suggest regularly asking yourself the following career growth questions to monitor your progress and ensure that you stay on track.

Do I find my work challenging?

Do you feel challenged by your work? If yes, you are heading in the right direction. The more complex problems you solve, and the more sophisticated projects you complete, the better professional you become.

However, if you don’t feel challenged, you should change something in your work routine. You may ask your boss to assign you with more complex tasks. If it does not work, consider keeping an open mind to a new job that will encourage you to master new skills and deepen your knowledge. 

Am I productive enough?

How do you measure your productivity? Do you tend to compare your achievements to the achievements of your co-workers? If you do, you have chosen the wrong path; compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today.

The point is that even if you are the best employee in your department, it doesn’t mean that your productivity is high. It only means that the productivity of your colleagues is lower than yours which doesn’t necessarily mean you’re feeling fulfilled or following your purpose. 

Are my clients satisfied with my work?

Are you sure that all the products of your work are “good enough”? If you have any doubts, you need to find out what your clients really think about the services you provide.

Whether you work as a logo designer, fashion expert, or content writer, don’t be afraid to ask for feedback. If you analyze both positive and negative reviews, you will spot your weaknesses and find a way to improve them. 

Just keep in mind that you shouldn’t take negative reviews (especially inadequate ones) to heart. Negative feedback shouldn’t put you down. Vice versa, it should motivate you to work harder to pursue your career goals.

How many useful books and articles have I read this month?

If you want to grow professionally, you should read books and articles related to your niche on a regular basis. It will help you to keep up with all the industry trends and keep your job skills current.

We know New York can be busy but utilize your commute time, “coffee time” or any spare minute to consume new information and cultivate knowledge. Let’s stop making excuses, set the right priorities, and start reading more books and articles.

How many industry-specific events have I attended this year?

Do you visit conferences, workshops, association meetings, exhibitions, and other industry-specific events at least once in a few months? If you genuinely want to become an expert in your niche, you should attend as many events as you can afford. 

Attending and speaking at conferences and public meetings are the best things you can do to practice your networking skills and present yourself to potential employers. And it goes without saying that such an experience will help you to develop an in-depth understanding of your industry and current trends.

When have I updated my LinkedIn profile for the last time?

Do you want to get your job opportunities to find you? Keep your LinkedIn profile up to date – and sooner or later will be offered the job of your dreams. 

A study conducted by Statistic Brain Research Institute found that 122 million people received an interview through LinkedIn, and 35.5 million people got hired by a person they connected with on the site. So if you make your LinkedIn profile stand out, it’s highly likely that your candidacy will get noticed by a prospective employer.

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