I Accepted My First Job, But I’ve Never Been More Unsure of My Career
Photo Credit: Ugly Betty via Fortune
By: Cecilia Wood
From approximately seventh grade to a year before my college graduation, I had my life planned out perfectly: get the ultimate fellowship with a magazine I love, learn the ropes for a year until I’m offered a full-time role, then make my way up to editor. About three months before I was set to graduate in March 2020, my plans changed in a major way (along with the rest of the world).
In the midst of the chaos of the pandemic changing my plans, I applied for dozens of jobs, keeping a meticulous list of rejections and interviews. I knew that when I finally received a job offer I loved, I would breathe a sigh of relief. To my surprise, accepting my first job in social media didn’t come with relief, it only came with more questions about my future career.
I’m incredibly lucky to have landed a job at all throughout this pandemic, but now I’m left wondering: What do I want to do for 40 hours of the week? What am I passionate enough to pursue for years?
If you’re feeling unsure about your career too, here are some tips for your job journey!
Your career path doesn’t have to be linear, and there may be options for you that you hadn’t considered. If you’re in a job that you’re not passionate about, spend time exploring your options and researching how you could turn your passions into a job. Love writing? You don’t have to wait for a position at a major newspaper. Instead, look for opportunities in blogging, copywriting, publishing, or social media.
If you’ve decided you want to shift careers, you might be overwhelmed at the requirements for entry-level job postings. While you’re considering your new options, start putting them into practice for fun. If you’ve always wanted to work in film, start reviewing your favorite movies on a personal blog or reviewing websites. Even if your hobbies don’t become anything more than a hobby, you’ll gain experience that proves you’re putting in the work—plus, you might learn that this hobby isn’t something you’re passionate about after all.
Just because you’ve accepted a job doesn’t mean you need to stop putting in the effort to make personal connections. Instead of networking for the purpose of finding a job, start following and connecting with people who have careers you think you’d enjoy. Cheer on these connections as they make changes in their own careers—you never know, they might keep you in mind when opportunities come up!
When you’ve decided you want to shift careers, it might be hard to appreciate your current job. Don’t dwell on frustrations, and start looking for lessons you can take from your present day-to-day into your future. Hours of admin work will translate to time management skills. Customer service skills are useful in any job, as you learn to deal with difficult clients or unrealistic expectations.
Start approaching your life with a curious mindset! Whether you’re in a job you can see yourself doing for the rest of your life or you’re looking for different options, you can always find new opportunities to learn and grow.