Creating at Home: Our Top Tips for Indoor Photo Shoot Success
By: The Making it in Manhattan Team
Just because you’re staying inside doesn’t mean your Instagram feed needs to suffer. Now more than ever is a time to have fun, get creative, and play around with your space. In the hopes to inspire you to create at home, we rounded up a few of Caroline’s #CreatingatHome shoots to help give you some inspo, because there’s no rules and it’s all about having fun.
Pop of Color
Create an eye-catching photo w/ a colorful background or pop of color in your look
It’s All in the Details
This is a great opportunity to experiment with detail shots and close-ups
Strike a Pose
Try out new poses, no one’s watching so experiment and move around!
Playful Props
Utilize around-the-house items that make everyday housewares seem fun and creative.
Own Your Space
Shoot in a space in your house where you feel comfortable and that you feel reflects yourself! Great for bringing out your personality.
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